by Paul Hendler | 26 Jun 2017 | Operational development, SMME support, Standard Operating Procedures, Tenders
During February I facilitated a Project Management Course. There were participants from four organisations. Habitat for Humanity South Africa. Shackdwellers International. Peoples Environmental Planning. And Making of Cities. The course venue was the Josephine Mill in...
by Paul Hendler | 25 Jan 2017 | Operational development
You completed the Detailed Product Flow (DPF) (see immediately previous post). You are clear about the products you will deliver to the client. Now you have to plan how you are going to do this. You need to identify specific activities necessary for completing each...
by Paul Hendler | 24 Jan 2017 | Operational development
When you decide to do a project be sure you stay in control. One of the first things you must clarify is what does the client want. In other words what products must you produce? You need to be clear about the products. The same is important when you are putting...
by Paul Hendler | 22 Jan 2017 | Operational development, Standard Operating Procedures
A project plan is about crammed delivered deadlines. You have a project to manage. Where do you start? How do you know what to prioritise? Should you even be doing the project in the first place? INSITE offers a Project Planning and Management Course. This is a...