1. Capacity Needs Analysis

We base capacity needs on a map of organisational functions.

We develop questionnaires that probe the requirements to ensure effective operational activities. We interview key officials in the organisation’s operations. from these we develop insights into the operations, and where the gaps are.

Our organisational development personnel always partner with content discipline specialists. Our capacity needs analysis contain recommendations. On the basis of these we develop capacity support implementation plans.

These plans can be in log frame format to identify measurable outcomes. We link these outcomes to the gap analysis.

We supported the planning and implementation of sustainable human settlements.

First we mapped the regulatory and government functions. Then we did a capacity needs analysis. Finally, we developed a capacity support implementation plan.

Click on any PROJECT TITLE for details of the project

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Capacity Needs Analysis
Cities Support Programme, National Treasury 2015 Capacity Needs Analysis
PROJECTS TITLE: Capacity Needs Analysis.
CLIENT: Cities Support Programme, National Treasury.

The Cities Support Programme (CSP) promotes well governed, productive, inclusive and sustainable cities. CSP aims to speed up spatial transformation through public investment in urban environments. The INSITE team implemented the Built Environment (BE) work stream of the CSP. The team developed capacity needs analyses for each of eight Metropolitan Municipalities. Team members interviewed key metropolitan municipal officials, wrote up and analysed the interviews. Finally, the team formulated capacity support implementation plans for each municipality. They developed capacity needs analyses and capacity support implementation plans related to performance indicators. There was a continuous chain between the plans and the analyses.


  • Eight Capacity Needs Analyses (one for each metropolitan municipality)
  • Capacity Support Implementation Plans (one for each metropolitan municipality).

PHOTO BELOW: There is capital flight from existing urban CBDs. These and neighbouring residential areas then degrade. The flip side of this ‘blow out’ is the development elsewhere of modern shopping malls
Galleria Mall, Amanzimtoti CBD, Masiphumewlele

Capacity Needs Analysis and Capacity Support Implementation Plan
Western Cape Department of Human Settlements (WCDoHS) 2010 – 2011 Capacity Needs Analysis
Capacity Building for the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA)
National Department of Human Settlements (NDoHS) 2009 Capacity Needs Analysis
PROJECT TITLE: Capacity Building for the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA).
CLIENT: National Department of Human Settlements (NDoHS).

The Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA) was promulgated in 2001, providing for disclosure of information to consumers regarding their applications for mortgage loans from banks. Achieving this required an operational process and capacitation of the personnel to operate the process. NDoHS required a train-the-trainer (TTT) programme to train 100 Master Trainers (MTs) who would then train a further 360 housing officials across the country. The trained officials would form the personnel to operate the disclosure process (e.g. by receiving and posting grievances from and advising consumers). The project was unique in that it followed a complete cycle from learning needs analysis (LNA) of all MTs, through a series of training interventions (including SAQA- accredited courses) and mentoring of the trainers, to the roll out of the first phase of the programme to hundreds of provincial and municipal housing officials across the country.


  • Learning Requirements Analysis (LRA) for the job of HLAMDA.
  • LNA for the Job of HLAMDA.
  • Five generic TTT courses (SAQA-accredited).
  • Five Specific HLAMDA training courses.
  • 18 mentored workshops where MTs trained other provincial and municipal housing officials.
  • 79% of MTs who submitted Portfolios of Evidence (POEs) were assessed as competent on the generic TTT course and received SAQA accreditation.
  • 90% of MTs who went on the Specific HLAMDA course were licensed as Competent to train other officials in the specifics of HLAMDA.
Capacity building for six Social Housing Institutions (SHIs) (Tenant Management)
National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing) 2005 Social and Rental Housing
PROJECT TITLE: Capacity Building for six Social Housing Institutions (SHIs) (Tenant Management).
CLIENT: National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing).

BACKGROUND: The SPSH aimed to identify critical areas of need in the area of tenant management for a range of selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs). On this basis, technical assistance was to be provided to these SHIs to build their capacity in carrying out effective tenant management functions. The scope of work covered an initial needs analysis, a technical assistance response plan and the implementation of the said plan.


  • Learning Requirements Analysis (LRA) of tenant management functions across selected SHIs.
  • Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) of tenant management functions across selected SHIs.
  • Generic training manuals in respect of five tenant management functions (tenant selection, credit control and rent collection, standard agreements and residents training, residents communication strategy and customer satisfaction surveys).
  • Generic operational procedural manuals in respect of the five tenant management functions.
Organisational Diagnostics for Six Social Housing Institutions (SHIs)
Social Housing Foundation (SHF) (Project Management Unit (PMU)) 2004 Capacity Needs Analysis
PROJECTS TITLE: Organisational Diagnostics for Six Social Housing Institutions (SHIs).
CLIENT: Social Housing Foundation (SHF) Project Management Unit (PMU).

SHF required a diagnosis of the organisational state of a range of Social Housing Institutions (SHIs) in South Africa. The objective was to identify organisational shortcomings in order to establish a basis for future technical assistance to these SHIs. SHF provided a diagnostic model to be used as a tool in the implementation of the project. The six SHIs to be diagnosed by the team were: Tshwane Housing Association, Johannesburg Trust for the Homeless, King Williamstown Housing Association, Sol Plaatje Housing Association, Abahlali Housing Association and HAEL (East London).


  • Desktop Overview.
  • Organisational DiagnosticsFinal Reports.

2. Programme Support

We have many years of experience. Our support includes funding proposals, high-level plans and business processes. For example, we have:

  • Formulated Human Settlement Plans (HSPs)
  • Packaged and submitted bankable social housing project proposals (including the filing and all documents)
  • Provided cash flow analyses of social and rental housing projects
  • Designed tenant management policies for social housing institutions
  • >Designed tenant management operational systems for social housing institutions
  • Designed operational systems outlining procedures for government housing support programmes and statutory functions
  • Trained social and rental housing staff in the implementation of the business process
  • Designed housing and micro-finance systems
  • Helped with social housing strategic plans
  • Developed plans to put in place social housing strategies
Click on any PROJECT TITLE for details of the project

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Environmental Education Centre
Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership 2016 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Environmental Education Centre.
CLIENT: Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership.

Between 2009 and 2016 Vuya Endaweni community partnership operated near Papegaaiberg Stellenbosch. Paul Hendler served as Vuya Endaweni chair, treasurer (administration and bookkeeping functions) and secretary. The Papegaaiberg symbolises inclusive development and preservation of the biosphere. Through community consultation Vuya Endaweni initiated four projects. Vuya Endaweni conceived these as entrepreneurial partnerships between the suburbanites and disadvantaged communities. Members of the latter were able to work and have equity (and share risk) in these projects. One of these was the Environmental Education Centre (EEC). Here volunteers gave lessons to 30 young people from Enkanini informal settlement. These lessons focused on the biosphere and ecological systems that sustain life. Vuya Endaweni used donor funds to buy the property for the EEC. Other donors gave a wendy house, water tank, sports equipment and furniture. Stellenbosch United Presbyterian Church volunteers taught courses in art and the environment. By 2016 Leanne Seeliger form Vuya Endaweni finalised a curriculum. She developed a programme that included four teachers from Kayamandi High School. Vuya Endaweni also provided for the children at the start of the lessons. Donor funding to Vuya Endaweni ended in 2016. Vuya Endaweni is negotiating to transfer the EEC to Stellenbosch University.


  • Wendy house structure for the Environmental Education Centre.
  • Fireproofed and painted.
  • Internal furniture.
  • External water tank.
  • Sports equipment.

PHOTO BELOW: We taught youth about sustaining the environment. This took place in an underdeveloped shantytown. Environmental education is part of the developmental solution.
Environmental Education Centre Enkanini

Paymaster Administration Services
Cities Support Programme, National Treasury 2014 – 2016 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Paymaster Administration Services.
CLIENT: Cities Support Programme, National Treasury.

The Cities Support Programme (CSP) promotes well governed, productive, inclusive and sustainable cities. CSP aims to speed up spatial transformation through public investment in urban environments. The CSP required technical help from a range of built environment professional service providers. The CSP contracted INSITE to set up and contract specific firms. For this purpose INSITE developed standard forms for scope of work, deliverables and payments. At the conclusion INSITE billed CSP and effected payments to the respective service providers. The administration margin was between six and 10 percent of total project costs.


  • “Request for Technical Assistance” (RfTA)
  • “Transmission Account for Payments”
  • “Effecting Payments to Third Parties”.
The Second Hand Shop
Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership 2013 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: The Second Hand Shop.
CLIENT: Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership.

Between 2009 and 2016 Vuya Endaweni community partnership operated near Papegaaiberg Stellenbosch. Paul Hendler served as Vuya Endaweni chair, treasurer (administration and bookkeeping functions) and secretary. The Papegaaiberg symbolises inclusive development and preservation of the biosphere. Through community consultation Vuya Endaweni initiated four projects. Vuya Endaweni conceived these as entrepreneurial partnerships between the suburbanites and disadvantaged communities. Members of the latter were able to work and have equity (and share risk) in these projects. One of these was a second hand clothing shop (located in the Kayamandi Tourism Corridor). Suburbanites donated second hand clothing to form the stock of the shop. Volunteers provided training and oversight for the entrepreneurial partners from Kayamandi. The latter ran the shop and earned an income from it. There were poor trading conditions inside the Tourism Corridor. Thus the shop often traded on the pavement outside where the passing trade was denser. Due to continuing poor trading conditions the business ceased at the end of 2013.


  • Trading Stock (second-hand)
  • Stock-taking system
  • Accounting and book keeping
  • Mentoring and oversight of entrepreneurial partner.
Capacity Building for the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA)
National Department of Human Settlements (NDoHS) 2009 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Capacity Building for the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA).
CLIENT: National Department of Human Settlements (NDoHS).

The Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA) was promulgated in 2001, providing for disclosure of information to consumers regarding their applications for mortgage loans from banks. Achieving this required an operational process and capacitation of the personnel to operate the process. NDoHS required a train-the-trainer (TTT) programme to train 100 Master Trainers (MTs) who would then train a further 360 housing officials across the country. The trained officials would form the personnel to operate the disclosure process (e.g. by receiving and posting grievances from and advising consumers). The project was unique in that it followed a complete cycle from learning needs analysis (LNA) of all MTs, through a series of training interventions (including SAQA- accredited courses) and mentoring of the trainers, to the roll out of the first phase of the programme to hundreds of provincial and municipal housing officials across the country.


  • Learning Requirements Analysis (LRA) for the job of HLAMDA.
  • LNA for the Job of HLAMDA.
  • Five generic TTT courses (SAQA-accredited).
  • Five Specific HLAMDA training courses.
  • 18 mentored workshops where MTs trained other provincial and municipal housing officials.
  • 79% of MTs who submitted Portfolios of Evidence (POEs) were assessed as competent on the generic TTT course and received SAQA accreditation.
  • 90% of MTs who went on the Specific HLAMDA course were licensed as Competent to train other officials in the specifics of HLAMDA.
Energy Efficient Design (for Intersite Property Management Services)
Intersite Property Management Services 2008 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Energy Efficient Design.
CLIENT: Intersite Property Management Services.

Arumugam Pillay led a national team on energy efficiency and design that resulted in long term sustainability in modern station designs at Cape Town and Warwick Mall.


  • Established new norms and standards for rail property development in South Africa.
Business Process Review of the Building and Tenant Management Functions (Social Housing)
Africon (for Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) through the Gauteng Technical Resource Group (TRG) programme) 2007 – 2008 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Business Process Review of the Building and Tenant Management Functions (Social Housing).
CLIENT: Africon (for Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) through the Gauteng Technical Resource Group (TRG) programme).

JOSHCO required a Business Process Review (BPR) of their building and tenant management functions. Insite was subcontracted through the TRG led by African (now Aurecon). The process involved extensive consultation with executives and personnel of JOSHCO, about the various business cycles and tasks and this was mapped in iterations with actions tabulated. Three cycles were identified and reviewed: Maintaining the Assets, Managing the Tenants and Tenanting the Assets. The final business cycle functions were converted into training material and staff were trained through several workshops.


  • Business cycles process charts.
  • Procedural Manuals.
  • Standard documentation.
  • Training manuals.
  • Completed (interactive) training workshops with staff.

PROCESS DIAGRAMS: We used business process mapping tools to define efficient social housing functions.

Design of Ten Generic Business Plans for Funding Purposes and Bankable Project Proposals
Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) 2007 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Design of Ten Generic Business Plans for Funding Purposes and Bankable Project Proposal.
CLIENT: Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO).

JOSHCO required 10 social housing funding applications to be designed and prepared for submission to the Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) and financial institutions. They also required a a template for internal generation of future institutional and project Business Plans for similar purposes.


  • Ten JOSHCO social housing projects produced and packaged for funding applications.
  • Business Plan and Project Plan templates and document filing system.
Assessment and Support Consultant (Interim Social Housing Programme – Social Housing Restructuring Grant) (10 SHIs, 16 projects)
Social Housing Foundation (SHF) 2006 – 2007 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Assessment and Support Consultant (Interim Social Housing Programme – Social Housing Restructuring Grant) (10 SHIs, 16 projects).
CLIENT: Social Housing Foundation (SHF).

The Social Housing Restructuring Grant was first implemented in 2006 to provide additional funding to social housing projects in Restructuring Zones. To enable the first tranche payments to be made 10 SHIs and 16 social housing projects needed to be assessed and assisted with packaging their applications for funding.


  • Viability assessments of 10 SHIs at given milestones.
  • Viability assessments of 16 social housing projects at given milestones.
  • Packaging projects for Qualification/Grant status.
Transport Assets Refurbishment and Upgrade
Intersite Property Management Services 2006 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Transport Assets Refurbishment and Upgrade.
CLIENT: Intersite Property Management Services.

Arumugam Pillay led the improvement of the rail property portfolio after 40 years of under-investment, through the following projects:

  • Park station redevelopment.
  • Cape Town station revitalization.
  • Mabopane station improvement.
  • Station improvement programme.
  • National station precinct planning project.


  • Total capital investment R2billion Rand.
Packaging 10 Bankable Projects for Debt Funding and Funding from the Housing Subsidy and Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) (Capital Value: R250 million)
Affordable Housing Company (AFHCO) 2006 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Packaging 10 Bankable Projects for Debt Funding and Funding from the Housing Subsidy and Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) (Capital Value: R250 million).
CLIENT: Affordable Housing Company (AFHCO).

AFHCO required assistance to package proposals for funding from financial institutions and the GPF for 10 potential projects (mainly in the Doornfontein and eastern precincts of the Johannesburg inner city). The packaging entailed developing and confirming financial cash flow forecasts for each project over a ten year term, identifying all the required documentation, designing the filing system and formats, managing the collection and appropriate filing of all the required documentation, and ensuring the delivery of the said applications to the respective funders.


  • 10 complete inner city rental housing project applications for funding.
Organisational Strategy Services for selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs)
Learning Strategies (Business Modelling SA) (for National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing)) 2005 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Organisational Strategy Services for selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs).
CLIENT: Business Modelling SA (for National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing)(SPSH)).

The SPSH aimed to identify critical areas of need in the area of orgnaisational strategy for a range of selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs). On this basis, technical assistance was to be provided to these SHIs to build their capacity in carrying out effective organisational strategy functions. The scope of work covered an initial needs analysis, a technical assistance response plan and the implementation of the said plan. Insite contributed to the outcomes as part of the broader Business Modelling SA team, with specific focus on the Business Plan Guide; other team specialists focused on the completion of the other outcomes.


  • Business Plan Guide.
  • Risk Management Framework.
  • Financial Model.
  • Training Manuals on the Business Plan Guide, Risk Management Framework and Financial Model.
  • Delivery of training on the above to 16 SHIs.
Property Management Services for selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs)
Learning Strategies (Business Modelling SA (for National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing)) 2005 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Property Management Services for selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs).
CLIENT: Business Modelling SA (for National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing(SPSH)).

The SPSH aimed to identify critical areas of need in the area of property management for a range of selected SHIs. On this basis, technical assistance was to be provided to these SHIs to build their capacity in carrying out effective property management functions. The scope of work covered an initial needs analysis, a technical assistance response plan and the implementation of the said plan. Insite contributed to the outcomes as part of the broader Business Modelling SA team, with specific focus on reviewing the manuals which were the outputs of other team members.


  • Property asset strategy manuals.
  • Operational property management manuals.
  • Contract management manuals.
  • Procurement of property maintenance services manuals.
  • Life cycle costing model.
Financing and Investing in Social Housing: Data and Information Project
National Housing Finance Corporation and Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) (in association with Business Modelling SA, Nokusa Consulting and DAC Systems) 2003 – 2004 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Financing and Investing in Social Housing: Data and Information Project.
CLIENT: National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC) and Gauteng Partnership Fund (GPF) (in association with Business Modelling SA, Nokusa Consulting and DAC Systems).

NHFC required a data management system plus a hardware link between its offices and those of the GPF, in order to expedite the approval and disbursement of structured loans and grants for social housing. The project required a template of relevant data on social and rental housing funding and financial performance, which would be converted into an electronic format and on to which the data of loan applications would be captured and shared with the GPF. Insite made the social housing category and variable inputs, Business Modelling SA designed the logic of the system, and Nokusa and DAC converted the system to an electronic programme and costed the provision of the requisite hardware.


  • System architecture.
  • Customised software data programme.
  • Costed hardware.
Housing Finance
National Housing Finance Corporation 2002 – 2003 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Housing Finance.
CLIENT: National Housing Finance Corporation.

Arumugam Pillay managed the process of funding for numerous social housing projects, including:

  • Abahlali Housing Association.
  • Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO).
  • The Social Housing Company (SOHCO) (Eastern Cape and KwazuluNatal).
  • First Metro Housing Company.
  • The Walter Sisulu Housing Project (in Kliptown).
  • The N2 Gateway project (Cape Town).
  • The Cape Town Community Housing Company (CTCHC).


  • Total capital approved exceed R1.5 billion worth of assets.
Micro Finance for Housing
National Housing Finance Corporation 2002 – 2003 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Micro Finance for Housing.
CLIENT: National Housing Finance Corporation.

Arumugam Pillay managed the lending of capital to Saambou, Unibank, and the African Bank, for the purpose of micro-loans for housing.


  • Total capital for the Niche Market in excess of R1 billion rands.
Housing Finance
National Housing Finance Corporation 2001 Programme Support
PROJECT: Housing Finance.
CLIENT: National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC).

Arumugam Pillay managed completed research into the secondary housing market, the review of legal impediments to housing delivery as well as a survey of end users of housing finance in South Africa.


  • Research influenced national funding instruments.
Executive Marketing Director
Affordable Housing Company (AFHCO) 1999 – 2004 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Executive Marketing Director.
CLIENT: Affordable Housing Company (AFHCO).
YEAR COMPLETED: 1999 – 2004.

Paul Hendler was a member of the AFHCO Board of Directors from 1999 to 2004. He was responsible for managing, training and incentivising a team of leasing agents, and for packaging institutional subsidy applications for four buildings and a major affordable townhouse project (in Midrand) and for drawing down this funding.


  • R4 million of institutional subsidies on four inner city buildings.
  • R5,8 million of institutional subsidies in respect of Midrand project.
  • R7,3 million of structured loan from financial institution.
Management of Employee Housing Scheme (for the Fedics Group)
Fedics Group 1998 – 2000 Programme Support
PROJECT TITLE: Management of Employee Housing Scheme.
CLIENT: Fedics Group.
YEAR COMPLETED: 1998 – 2000.


Fedics required a service to:

  • Apply for and secure capital subsidies for its employees’ housing.
  • Identify and secure land and housing products from developers and contractors.
  • Administer the applications from employees for company assistance in terms of the group’s employee housing scheme.


  • 265 Capital Housing Grants from the Gauteng Provincial Department of Housing.
  • Employee housing administration service.
  • Allocation of selected stands in various townships for the housing of Fedics employees.

3. Policy and Strategic Research

Experienced strategic thinkers deliver our research, policy and planning services. They have many years of experience in the consulting service field.

Our research services include:

  • Capacity needs analysis and capacity support implementation plans
  • Affordable housing market needs and supply/demand thereof
  • Political economy of affordable housing delivery and urban form and urban metabolism
  • Municipal, Housing and Finance Policy and Legislation.

Our research competencies include:

  • Defining the research problem
  • Managing, putting in place, tracking, checking and completing desktop research
  • Managing, putting in place, tracking and completing primary research (including surveys)
  • Managing the capture and analysis of data and information
  • Reporting on research output
  • Analysing the strategic implications of the research output.
Workers Housing in Arniston
Rural Rwanda Inhabitants
Click on any PROJECT TITLE for details of the project

Investigation into the destruction of the Kayamandi Informal Producers Market
Stellenbosch Transparency Ongoing Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Investigation into the destruction of the Kayamandi Informal Producers Market.
CLIENT: Stellenbosch Transparency.

Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland founded Stellenbosch Transparency, a media activist investigative journalist project. In 2004 South Africa won the bid to host the 2010 World Cup Football extravaganza. Various parties then planned to develop stadia and other facilities. Corrupt councillors and officials implemented these plans. In Kayamandi township they caused the destruction of an informal producers market. This market had provided a space for forty micro-enterprises. They produced jewelry that they sold both in the town and overseas. The project investigated the entrepreneur’s and sub-contractors’ ongoing struggle for justice. The municipality destroyed their property and confiscated their merchandise. They lost their livelihoods and suffered. The project also investigated the local municipality’s role and the new Tourism Corridor.


  • The outcome for this project will be an hour long video addressing the background and related issues the forced destruction of the Kayamandi Informal Producers Market, as well as a collation of important documentation uncovered in the research..
  • Visit the Stellenbosch Transparency website.
Neighbourhood Economies
INSITE – Self initiated Ongoing during 2016 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Neighbourhood Economies.
CLIENT: INSITE – Self initiated.
YEAR COMPLETED: Ongoing during 2016.

Job creation is a pressing social need. In 2016 Paul Hendler and associate Tony Wolfson researched neighbourhood economies. The reason for doing this was to identify areas of work that address employment creation. They investigated low growth and unemployment, the challenges and developed assumptions about economic functioning. The aim is to help employment at neighbourhood level. They developed a strategic approach to the challenges, a conceptual framework and goals. Finally they detailed the activities and critical success factors to achieve each goal. They are now investigating experiences and attempts at development opportunities and employment on scale.


  • Document, “Neighbourhood Economies – A Strategic Orientation”.

PHOTO: Manufacturing remains key to employment creation and broad-based development.

Kreefgat – A Community In Crisis
Stellenbosch Transparency 2016 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Kreefgat – A Community In Crisis.
CLIENT: Stellenbosch Transparency.

Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland founded Stellenbosch Transparency, a media activist investigative journalist project. The subject of the project was an informal settlement, Kreefgat. People had been living here for more than 20 years on private land. Towards the end of 2015 the owner of the land applied for a court eviction of the Kreefgat community. The team investigated relevant council meeting minutes and policies and interviewed key community leaders. We also researched the temporary and new developments intended for the relocatees. We analysed the eviction as an outcome of changing political economy of the Winelands. We recorded the market fundamentalist ideology as critical for justifying the eviction.


  • A 1.5 hour video titled “Kreefgat – A Community in Crisis”. See it here.
  • A collation of important documentation uncovered in the research.
BNG housing units for a minority in Kreefgat
PHOTOS: Many homeless households earning less than R3500 aspire to this type of house. Government policy provides for a free house to households earning less than R3500 provided that breadwinners applying for the grant are older than 39.
Kreefgat semi-detached BNG unit, Jamestown Phase 1
The One 1 Climate Fund - Feasibility Study
Sustainability Institute and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (for the Evangelical Churches of Westphalia) 2015 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: The One 1 Climate Fund – Feasibility Study.
CLIENT: Sustainability Institute and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (for the Evangelical Churches of Westphalia).

The work built on the first phase work of the One 1 Climate Fund in SA. This happened within the context of the provision of renewable energy in South Africa. The project aims to address energy poverty and stimulate manufacturing sector and employment. The research focused on the on-grid REI4P and the off-grid renewable energy programmes. The project assessed institutions for savings and investments into renewable energy projects in SA. This required assessing various renewable energy market segments. The project formulated proposals to develop institutional mechanisms for investments into renewable energy.


  • Feasibility Report “The One 1 Climate Fund in South Africa: Routing civil society savings to renewable energy projects – Identification of funding routes and proposed model”.

1. Solar Photovoltaic Panels are a source of energy. This powers the equipment to produce goods in a rural development project in Rwanda.
2. Renewable energy powers machinery to produce useful goods in a rural development project Rwanda.
3. We discussed the Rwanda Village Energy Efficiency project with Rwandan colleagues.
4. Workers on the Renewable Energy powered project in Rwanda.

The One 1 Climate Fund - Pre-Feasibility Study
Sustainability Institute and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (for the Evangelical Churches of Westphalia) 2014 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: The One 1 Climate Fund – Pre-Feasibility Study.
CLIENT: Sustainability Institute and Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (for the Evangelical Churches of Westphalia).

INSITE led a pre-feasibility study for a climate fund in South Africa. The fund aims to pool savings for investment in local renewable energy projects. The research focused on retail versus institutional savings as a source of funds. The project examined incentives to local savings and the formal and informal financial sectors. The project also reflected on the capability of various institutions to lend. the project formulated a preliminary proposal for the type of vehicle required.


  • Position Paper, “SA Green Fund, Notes towards and investigation”.
Informal – A Story of Street Trade
Stellenbosch Transparency 2014 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Informal – A Story of Street Trade.
CLIENT: Stellenbosch Transparency.

Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland founded Stellenbosch Transparency, a media activist investigative journalist project. In 2013 Stellenbosch Municipality evicted informal traders from their trading spot of 20 years. They suffered significant financial losses and personal hardship. Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland investigated how elites and the municipality acted in concert. Paul Hendler facilitated access to the municipality, police and other role players. Mike Hyland produced and edited a one hour video. The project analysed national business legislation and the bottlenecks for small business development.


Evaluation of the Community Upgrade Funding Facility (CUFF)
Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC) 2013 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Evaluation of the Community Upgrade Funding Facility (CUFF).
CLIENT: Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC).

Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC) required an evaluation of its Community Upgrade Financing Facility (CUFF). This was a precondition to its application for external funding. CUFF provides donor funds, savings and subsidies for upgrading of informal settlements. The Informal Settlements Network (ISN) represents communities in these settlements. ISN in turn is part of a broader global network, Shackdwellers International (SDI). The INSITE team first did an institutional evaluation of the operations of CUFF. Thereafter they completed an evaluation of CUFF’s impact on the informal settlements themselves. A Closure Report drew certain strategic conclusions from each of these evaluations.


  • An evaluation report “Evaluation of the impact of CUFF”.
  • An evaluation report “Evaluation of CUFF’s governance structure”.
  • A close out report “CUFF Institutional and Impact Evaluations”
Project Preparation Facility (PPF)
Cities Support Programme (CSP), National Treasury 2013 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Project Preparation Facility (PPF).
CLIENT: Cities Support Programme (CSP), National Treasury.

The PPF formed part of a work stream in the CSP. The CSP is an overarching programme to speed up the process of spatial transformation. The CSP influences the investment of public funds in the urban environment. The CSP promotes well governed, productive, inclusive and sustainable cities. A crucial mechanism in this integration process is the role of catalytic infrastructure projects. But there are problems with these infrastructure programmes. Some are not aligned with a vision of urban integration. Others suffer from a lack of planning and inadequate design. Many have delays in procurement and lack investment facilitation and funding coordination. The regulatory and political authorities often complicate these problems. A PPF can help municipalities address these gaps through project preparation.


  • Document, “Guide for PPFacility for Metropolitan Municipalities in South Africa”
Land Acquisition and Disposal Processes and Policy
City of Polokwane 2012 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Land Acquisition and Disposal Processes and Policy.
CLIENT: City of Polokwane.

The City of Polokwane required a Policy Framework to guide its Acquisition, Management and Disposal of land for human settlement purposes. Specifically the City of Polokwane required an identification of the most efficient and effective process chart that would enable investment on land for sustainable human settlements in the area of its jurisdiction, including the newly acquired R188 and R293 townships. First a situational analysis – or status quo report – was produced and based on this and extensive interviews with key municipal officials the business process of the land function was mapped out, including the bottlenecks identified, and a modified (“to-be”) process was proposed. Finally, an asset register of all the municipality’s land assets was created and this was mapped in GIS format


1) Polokwane Municipal Immovable Property Acquisition, Holding and Disposal Policy Framework; 2) Polokwane Procedural Manual in terms of its Land Policy Framework; 3) Asset Register of Municipal Land; 4) GIS Mapping of Land in Polokwane Jurisdiction in certain categories; 5) Property Management Status Quo Report.

  • Polokwane Municipal Immovable Property Acquisition, Holding and Disposal Policy Framework.
  • Polokwane Procedural Manual in terms of its Land Policy Framework.
  • Asset Register of Municipal Land.
  • GIS Mapping of Land in Polokwane Jurisdiction in certain categories.
  • Property Management Status Quo Report.

PROCESS DIAGRAM: Polokwane municipality required a business process map with key decision-making points. The purpose was to manage land and development in the city and ex-homeland townships..
Business Process Diagram for Polokwane Property

Business Process Diagram for Polokwane Property

Social (rental) Housing Feasibility Study, Strategy and Survey for Port Elizabeth
Bagale Consulting (for Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality [NMBMM] and the Housing Development Agency [HDA]) 2012 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Social (rental) Housing Feasibility Study, Strategy and Survey for Port Elizabeth.
CLIENT: Bagale Consulting (for Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality [NMBMM] and the Housing Development Agency [HDA]).

NMBMM and HDA required an analysis of role players affordable property in Port Elizabeth. This was to be the basis for a sample survey of demand for rented accommodation in the inner city. This information fed into a broader housing strategy for the municipality. Interviews with the key role players was the basis for the Roleplayer Analysis. Trained interviewers administered a structured questionnaire to a sample of the population. Paul Hendler analysed the results of the sample survey for policy and strategy purposes.


  • “Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality Stakeholder Supply Analysis Report”.
  • “Port Elizabeth Inner City Rental Housing Demand Study“.
Land Acquisition, Holding, Preparation and Release Strategy
The Housing Development Agency (HDA) 2012 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Land Acquisition, Holding, Preparation and Release Strategy.
CLIENT: The Housing Development Agency (HDA).

The HDA is mandated by the HDA Act to facilitate the release of land for sustainable human settlements, taking into account the opportunities that might arise through banking public land which is not core to the needs of other organs of state but which they nevertheless continue to hold. The HDA required a strategy which demonstrates that it has a road map of options for acquiring, preparing and releasing into development non-core public lands that meet the criteria of sustainable human settlement.


  • Desktop Review.
  • Stakeholder Analysis Report.
  • HDA Land Holding and Release Strategy.

DIAGRAM: Land Economic and Housing Development is a business process. There are key decision-making points at crucial nodes. Policy framework principles need to guide these decisions.

Emergency Housing Functional Framework
The Housing Development Agency (HDA) 2011 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Emergency Housing Functional Framework.
CLIENT: The Housing Development Agency (HDA).

The HDA is mandated by the HDA Act to provide support to other organs of government in respect of emergency housing (EH). The HDA required to understand the EH roles assigned to a range of organs of state and to position itself within and in relation to the framework of current EH functions.


  • Strategic position paper for the HDA in respect of its role in EH.
  • Framework Guide for EH (including functional processes and tables).
  • Background Information (Desktop Review of EH locally and internationally).

DIAGRAM: This framework identifies all the role players involved in Emergency Housing and their functions.

Housing Feasibility Study, Strategy and Survey for Bela Bela Local Municipality
Bagale Consulting (for the HDA) 2011 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Housing Feasibility Study, Strategy and Survey for Bela Bela Local Municipality.
CLIENT: Bagale Consulting (for the HDA).

The HDA is mandated by the HDA Act to facilitate the release of land for sustainable human settlements, taking into account the range of housing delivery mechanism and typologies that have been made possible through the Breaking New Ground (BNG) strategy of government. HDA facilitated the procurement of land close to the Bela Bela CBD in conjunction with the Bela Bela Local Municipality and the Limpopo Provincial Department of Human Settlements. HDA required an analysis of the supply of and demand for affordable housing in the greater Bela Bela area, through a stakeholder analysis and household survey. Insite provided both professional analytical and project administration services to Bagale Consulting (lead consultant).


  • Desktop Review.
  • Stakeholder Analysis Report.
  • Completed household survey (sample size 230).
  • Demographic Analysis Report.
  • Housing Market Demand/Supply Report.
Developing Human Settlement Plans (HSPs) for the municipalities of George, Knysna and Saldanha Bay
Organizational Development Africa (ODA) (for the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements (WCDoHS)) 2009 – 2010 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Developing Human Settlement Plans (HSPs) for the municipalities of George, Knysna and Saldanha Bay.
CLIENT: Organizational Development Africa (ODA) (for the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements (WCDoHS)).

WCDoHS implemented the first phase of its Built Environment Support Programme (BESP) with the objective of developing credible Spatial Development Frameworks (SDFs) and Human Settlement Plans (HSPs) for six Western Cape municipalities. Insite was subcontracted by ODA (lead consultant) to provide technical assistance for the formulation and writing of the HSPs for George, Knysna and Saldanha Bay. The formulation and writing was done in close consultation with the relevant municipal officials.


  • Human Settlement Plan for George Municipality.
  • Human Settlement Plan for Saldanha Bay Municipality.
  • Addendum to Knysna Municipality’s Integrated Human Settlement Strategy (2008 – 2013).
Developing a Human Settlement Plan (HSP) for the Sol Plaatje Municipality
Organisational Development Africa (ODA) (for the Sol Plaatje Local Municipality) 2009 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Developing a Human Settlement Plan (HSP) for the Sol Plaatje Municipality.
CLIENT: Organisational Development Africa (ODA) (for the Sol Plaatje Local Municipality).

Sol Plaatje Municipality required an Integrated Human Settlement Plan (IHSP). Insite was subcontracted by ODA to provide technical assistance for the formulation and writing of the IHSP. The formulation and writing was done in close consultation with the relevant municipal officials.


  • Sol Plaatje Municipality Human Settlement Plan.
Impact of Oil Depletion on SA Transportation System (for National Department of Transport)
Association for the Study of Peak Oil SA (ASPO SA) 2008 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Impact of Oil Depletion on SA Transportation System (for National Department of Transport).
CLIENT: Association for the Study of Peak Oil SA (ASPO SA).

ASPO SA was contracted by the National Department of Transport to identify likely scenarios in which depletion of the supply of oil – and therefore of liquid fuels – would impact the National Transport Management Plan (NATMAP), and to quantify these impacts. On the basis of a transport engineering model, recommendations were made for changing driver behaviour and in respect of medium to longer term switching to mass, electrically powered public rail transportation. Insite was subcontracted by ASPO to provide specific scenario planning inputs.


  • Energy and Status Quo Report.
  • Reducing Oil Dependency Report.
  • Transport Scenarios under Peak Oil to 2030.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations.
Developing a Human Settlement Plan (HSP) for the Stellenbosch Municipality
Sustainability Institute (University of Stellenbosch) (for the Municipality of Stellenbosch) 2007 – 2008 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Developing a Human Settlement Plan (HSP) for the Stellenbosch Municipality.
CLIENT: Sustainability Institute (University of Stellenbosch) (for the Municipality of Stellenbosch).

Stellenbosch Municipality approached the Sustainability Institute (Stellenbosch University) for the formulation and writing of an Integrated Human Settlements Plan (IHSP). Insite was subcontracted by the Sustainability Institute to manage the background research and write the strategic implications and recommendations. During the community consultation process there were several workshop interactions between Insite and local farmers, farm workers as well as members of the Federation of the Urban Poor (FEDUP). For the latter, this was a formal training workshop in the way in which the plan and its objectives had been formulated.


  • Situational Analysis Report.
  • Housing Supply and Constraints Report.
  • Stellenbosch Housing Strategy document.
Peak Oil Scenarios for South Africa 2030 (for the Presidency)
Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO SA) 2007 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Peak Oil Scenarios for South Africa 2030 (for the Presidency).
CLIENT: Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO SA).

ASPO SA responded to a call for Papers by the Presidency, for Scenarios for 2017, a picture of where the country might be going or could be going at that point. ASPO addressed the energy sector by exploring several (high, middle and low road) scenarios for the country in relation to peak oil and the depletion of oil and petroleum energy. Insite participated in the analysis from an impact-on-human-settlements and housing markets perspective, in helping to construct the scenarios and as internal reviewer of the document.


  • Fragmentation or Renaissance? The inter-connections between oil depletion, climate change and global financial imbalances (Research Study).

PHOTO: High tech rail powered by coal-fired electricity versus solar energised residential structures.

Organisational Diagnostic and Strategic Plan
Vusani Amadalobha (Social Housing Institution) 2007 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Organisational Diagnostic and Strategic Plan.
CLIENT: Vusani Amadalobho (Social Housing Institution).

BACKGROUND: Vusani Amadalobho required a strategic planning session to identify critical challenges and strategic alternatives to address these challenges. The brief was addressed through preliminary research to gather information, refine diagnostic tools with the client, complete organisational diagnostic analysis, run a one-day strategic session with the Vusani board, and finally develop a strategic report.


  • Diagnostic tool.
  • Diagnostic report.
  • Strategic planning workshop.
  • Strategic Report.
Development and facilitation of a workshop regarding Construction Models and Structures for Public and Private Project Contracts
National Association of Social Housing Organisations (NASHO) 2006 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Development and facilitation of a workshop regarding Construction Models and Structures for Public and Private Project Contracts.
CLIENT: National Association of Social Housing Organisations (NASHO).

NASHO required an investigation into how the government’s Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) methodology could be applied to enabling viable social housing projects within the framework of the Breaking New Ground (BNG) policy. The investigation was to be through a series of workshops to explore how the construction of volumes of social housing units could be expedited through the PPP framework. The initial output was to be developed further through a forum of stakeholders which would need to be facilitated. The objective was the establishment of the necessary structures to ensure that in the construction models and structures of PPP, the private sector would be engaged and drawn into the process and that the public sector would be leveraged to achieve the best outcome for the SHI environment.


  • Framework and structure for workshops.
  • Organised forums at booked venues.
  • Four completed workshop forums.
  • Designed framework for (aligned) construction structures and models.
Greater Ellis Park Upgrade Development Project: Housing Development Analysis and Strategy Study
Kenosi Tladinyane Investments (for Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA), in association with Business Modelling SA, and Diabalwa Professional Services) 2003 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Greater Ellis Park Upgrade Development Project: Housing Development Analysis and Strategy Study.
CLIENT: Kenosi Tladinyane Investments (for Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA), in association with Business Modelling SA, and Diabalwa Professional Services).

JDA selected a multidisciplinary team, which covered all sectors, to analyse the Greater Ellis Park Area and make proposals and recommendations for its redevelopment. This was to be done sector by sector within a holistic development conception. The specific component was for a Housing Development Analysis and Strategy.


  • Status Quo and Analysis Report.
  • Development Issues: Challenges, Constraints and Opportunities.
  • Housing Development Vision: Principles and Objectives.
  • Housing Strategy and Implementation Plan.
Small-Scale Private Landlords Feasibility Study
Business Modelling SA (for USAID, Housing Finance Resource Project (HFRP) and Nurcha) 2003 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Small-Scale Private Landlords Feasibility Study.
CLIENT: Business Modelling SA (for USAID, Housing Finance Resource Project (HFRP) and Nurcha).

USAID, HFRP and Nurcha required a study of small landlords operating in the Johannesburg inner city, which focused on their operational activities, the state of their buildings and their financial sustainability.


  • Buildings audit.
  • Financial feasibilities per company and per building.
  • Completed interviews with a range of landlords regarding operations.
  • Small-scale private Landlords Feasibility Study (table of contents):
    • International experience.
    • SA institutional context and legislative framework.
    • Market size and dynamics.
    • Research methodology and case studies.
    • Quantitative results from case studies
Municipal Housing and Finance Policy and Legislation
Development Bank of Southern Africa and National Housing Finance Corporation 2000 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Municipal Housing and Finance Policy and Legislation.
CLIENT: Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and National Housing Finance Corporation (NHFC).

Arumugam Pillay was involved in the research towards and the formulation of the National Housing Act of 1997, the Prevention of Illegal Eviction and Unlawful Occupation of Land (PIE) Act of 1998, the Rental Housing Act of 1998, the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA) of 2000, the Community Reinvestment Bill of 2003, the Social Housing Bill of 2008 and the National Housing Code of 2000.


  • Successful legislation produced by government.
Finance and Compliance Legislation
Development Bank of Southern Africa and National Housing Finance Corporation 1989; 2000 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Finance and Compliance Legislation.
CLIENT: Development Bank of Southern Africa and National Housing Finance Corporation.
YEARS COMPLETED: 1989; 2000.

Arumugam Pillay was involved in the research towards and the formulation of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) of 1999, the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) of 2003, the National Treasury Guideline on public-private-partnerships (PPP) and the Medium Term Budgets and Expenditure Framework, as well as Procurement Legislation of goods and services.


  • Contribution to legislative changes.
Municipal Housing and Finance Policy and Legislation
Development Bank of Southern Africa and National Housing Finance Corporation 1998 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Municipal Housing and Finance Policy and Legislation.
CLIENT: Development Bank of Southern Africa and National Housing Finance Corporation.

Arumugam Pillay was involved in the research towards and the formulation of the Municipal Structures Act of 2000, the Municipal Systems Act of 2003, various municipal bylaws (e.g. Rates Bylaws) of Johannesburg & Durban, Transport Policy and Legislation (including the National Land Transport Act of 2000, the Legal Succession Act of 1989, and the National Rail Regulators Act of 2006).


  • Completed policy inputs that led to changes in legislation.
Employee Housing Survey
Freegold (now Anglo Gold Ashanti) 1996 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Employee Housing Survey.
CLIENT: Freegold (now Anglo Gold Ashanti).

Freegold and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) required a survey of employees’ affordability and demand for accommodation and a strategy for the provision of that housing (including refurbishment of existing hostel accommodation).


  • Completed research tools (survey questionnaires).
  • Completed data collection and capturing (incl. quality control).
  • Strategic proposals for employee housing policy.
Employee Housing Survey
Gengold (now BHP Billiton) 1996 Policy and Strategic Research
PROJECT TITLE: Employee Housing Survey.
CLIENT: Gengold (now BHP Billiton).

Gengold and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) required a survey of employees’ affordability and demand for accommodation and a strategy for the provision of that housing (including refurbishment of existing hostel accommodation).


  • Completed research tools (survey questionnaires).
  • Completed data collection and capturing (incl. quality control).
  • Strategic proposals for employee housing policy.

4. Training

We base our training on outcomes-based method for adult education. We identify the outcomes of each training module in relation to a gap analysis. We develop the training materials. Several of our team are qualified training facilitators, assessors and material designers. Our training experience has been in the human settlements and housing field.

Click on any PROJECT TITLE for details of the project

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Vuya Endaweni Tours
Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership 2014 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Vuya Endaweni Tours.
CLIENT: Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership.

Between 2009 and 2016 Vuya Endaweni community partnership operated near Papegaaiberg Stellenbosch. Paul Hendler served as Vuya Endaweni chair, treasurer (administration and bookkeeping functions) and secretary. The Papegaaiberg symbolises inclusive development and preservation of the biosphere. Through community consultation Vuya Endaweni initiated four projects. Vuya Endaweni conceived these as entrepreneurial partnerships between the suburbanites and disadvantaged communities. Members of the latter were able to work and have equity (and share risk) in these projects. One of these was Vuya Endaweni Tours. Stellenbosch municipality paid for a field guides course for four Kayamandi residents. The Fields Guide Association of South Africa provided the course. Vuya Endaweni planned a tour guide route starting from the Kayamandi Tourism Corridor. It went through Enkanini Informal Settlement and the Papegaaiberg. The route concluded at Oude Libertas and Middlevlei (two agricultural estates). Paul Hendler provided cash flow projections for the field guide eco-tourism businesses. Guides also liaised with the Stellenbosch Tourism Bureau (later renamed Stellenbosch 360). The Vuya Endaweni Tours businesses were uneven. They never managed to establish themselves. They terminated during 2014.


  • Four Qualified Tour Guides.
  • A Tour Guide Route agreed to by Stellenbosch Municipality, Oude Libertas and Middelvlei Agricultural Estates.
Capacity Building for the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA)
National Department of Human Settlements (NDoHS) 2009 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Capacity Building for the Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA).
CLIENT: National Department of Human Settlements (NDoHS).

The Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act (HLAMDA) was promulgated in 2001, providing for disclosure of information to consumers regarding their applications for mortgage loans from banks. Achieving this required an operational process and capacitation of the personnel to operate the process. NDoHS required a train-the-trainer (TTT) programme to train 100 Master Trainers (MTs) who would then train a further 360 housing officials across the country. The trained officials would form the personnel to operate the disclosure process (e.g. by receiving and posting grievances from and advising consumers). The project was unique in that it followed a complete cycle from learning needs analysis (LNA) of all MTs, through a series of training interventions (including SAQA- accredited courses) and mentoring of the trainers, to the roll out of the first phase of the programme to hundreds of provincial and municipal housing officials across the country.


  • Learning Requirements Analysis (LRA) for the job of HLAMDA.
  • LNA for the Job of HLAMDA.
  • Five generic TTT courses (SAQA-accredited).
  • Five Specific HLAMDA training courses.
  • 18 mentored workshops where MTs trained other provincial and municipal housing officials.
  • 79% of MTs who submitted Portfolios of Evidence (POEs) were assessed as competent on the generic TTT course and received SAQA accreditation.
  • 90% of MTs who went on the Specific HLAMDA course were licensed as Competent to train other officials in the specifics of HLAMDA.
Business Process Review of the Building and Tenant Management Functions (Social Housing)
Africon (for Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) through the Gauteng Technical Resource Group (TRG) programme) 2007 – 2008 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Business Process Review of the Building and Tenant Management Functions (Social Housing).
CLIENT: Africon (for Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) through the Gauteng Technical Resource Group (TRG) programme).

JOSHCO required a Business Process Review (BPR) of their building and tenant management functions. Insite was subcontracted through the TRG led by African (now Aurecon). The process involved extensive consultation with executives and personnel of JOSHCO, about the various business cycles and tasks and this was mapped in iterations with actions tabulated. Three cycles were identified and reviewed: Maintaining the Assets, Managing the Tenants and Tenanting the Assets. The final business cycle functions were converted into training material and staff were trained through several workshops.


  • Business cycles process charts.
  • Procedural Manuals.
  • Standard documentation.
  • Training manuals.
  • Completed (interactive) training workshops with staff.

PROCESS DIAGRAMS: We used business process mapping tools to define efficient social housing functions.

Training Courses on Tenant Management (Social Housing)
Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) 2007 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Training Courses on Tenant Management (Social Housing).
CLIENT: Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO).

Joshco required its tenant administration staff to be trained on the operational procedures in tenant management, taking into account both existing company procedures and best practices in the field.


  • Module 1: Sales Customer and Tenant Selection (including Credit Vetting).
  • Module 2: Waiting List Administration.
  • Module 3: Credit control and rent regulation.
Development and facilitation of a workshop regarding Construction Models and Structures for Public and Private Project Contracts
National Association of Social Housing Organisations (NASHO) 2006 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Development and facilitation of a workshop regarding Construction Models and Structures for Public and Private Project Contracts.
CLIENT: National Association of Social Housing Organisations (NASHO).

NASHO required an investigation into how the government’s Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) methodology could be applied to enabling viable social housing projects within the framework of the Breaking New Ground (BNG) policy. The investigation was to be through a series of workshops to explore how the construction of volumes of social housing units could be expedited through the PPP framework. The initial output was to be developed further through a forum of stakeholders which would need to be facilitated. The objective was the establishment of the necessary structures to ensure that in the construction models and structures of PPP, the private sector would be engaged and drawn into the process and that the public sector would be leveraged to achieve the best outcome for the SHI environment.


  • Framework and structure for workshops.
  • Organised forums at booked venues.
  • Four completed workshop forums.
  • Designed framework for (aligned) construction structures and models.
Capacity building for six Social Housing Institutions (SHIs) (Tenant Management)
National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing) 2005 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Capacity Building for six Social Housing Institutions (SHIs) (Tenant Management).
CLIENT: National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing).

BACKGROUND: The SPSH aimed to identify critical areas of need in the area of tenant management for a range of selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs). On this basis, technical assistance was to be provided to these SHIs to build their capacity in carrying out effective tenant management functions. The scope of work covered an initial needs analysis, a technical assistance response plan and the implementation of the said plan.


  • Learning Requirements Analysis (LRA) of tenant management functions across selected SHIs.
  • Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) of tenant management functions across selected SHIs.
  • Generic training manuals in respect of five tenant management functions (tenant selection, credit control and rent collection, standard agreements and residents training, residents communication strategy and customer satisfaction surveys).
  • Generic operational procedural manuals in respect of the five tenant management functions.
Organisational Strategy Services for selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs)
Learning Strategies (Business Modelling SA) (for National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing)) 2005 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Organisational Strategy Services for selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs).
CLIENT: Business Modelling SA (for National Department of Housing/EU (Support Programme for Social Housing)(SPSH)).

The SPSH aimed to identify critical areas of need in the area of orgnaisational strategy for a range of selected Social Housing Institutions (SHIs). On this basis, technical assistance was to be provided to these SHIs to build their capacity in carrying out effective organisational strategy functions. The scope of work covered an initial needs analysis, a technical assistance response plan and the implementation of the said plan. Insite contributed to the outcomes as part of the broader Business Modelling SA team, with specific focus on the Business Plan Guide; other team specialists focused on the completion of the other outcomes.


  • Business Plan Guide.
  • Risk Management Framework.
  • Financial Model.
  • Training Manuals on the Business Plan Guide, Risk Management Framework and Financial Model.
  • Delivery of training on the above to 16 SHIs.
Tenant Training
Affordable Housing Company (AFHCO) 2002 Training
PROJECT TITLE: Tenant Training.
CLIENT: Affordable Housing Company (AFHCO).

Paul Hendler was a member of the AFHCO Board of Directors from 1999 to 2004. He was responsible for developing materials for the training of tenants about their obligations and rights in terms of their lease agreements, and then training and making tenants of subsidised social rental units aware of and understanding these rights and obligations. This was on order to fulfill Afhco’s obligations to the Gauteng Department of Human Settlements that had awarded considerable institutional subsidies to Afhco for it to purchase and upgrade inner city buildings as well as a foreign-aid funded town house development near Midrand


  • Training Materials.
  • Training sessions attended by between 360 and 400 tenants of Afhco units.

5. Facilitation of Processes

Different social environments have their own languages and perceptions.

Grassroots communities are often wary of more privileged oustiders. Government officials observe intergovernmental protocols. The motives of non profit companies differ from those of the for profit sector. We have negotiated our way within all these sectors. We have had working experience with voluntary associations and private for profit companies. We have participated in community service organisations. We have provided services to non profit companies and governmental structures. In each of these sectors we play a facilitative role to complete the work.

PHOTO: We give homeless households and communities access to information about government housing programmes. The housing subsidy rules are changing. Until now if you earned less than R3500, you could qualify for a free house. But government is addressing its fiscal crisis. So if you are under forty you will no longer qualify for this benefit.

Click on any PROJECT TITLE for details of the project

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Investigation into the destruction of the Kayamandi Informal Producers Market
Stellenbosch Transparency Ongoing Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Investigation into the destruction of the Kayamandi Informal Producers Market.
CLIENT: Stellenbosch Transparency.

Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland founded Stellenbosch Transparency, a media activist investigative journalist project. In 2004 South Africa won the bid to host the 2010 World Cup Football extravaganza. Various parties then planned to develop stadia and other facilities. Corrupt councillors and officials implemented these plans. In Kayamandi township they caused the destruction of an informal producers market. This market had provided a space for forty micro-enterprises. They produced jewelry that they sold both in the town and overseas. The project investigated the entrepreneur’s and sub-contractors’ ongoing struggle for justice. The municipality destroyed their property and confiscated their merchandise. They lost their livelihoods and suffered. The project also investigated the local municipality’s role and the new Tourism Corridor.


  • The outcome for this project will be an hour long video addressing the background and related issues the forced destruction of the Kayamandi Informal Producers Market, as well as a collation of important documentation uncovered in the research..
  • Visit the Stellenbosch Transparency website.
Kreefgat – A Community In Crisis
Stellenbosch Transparency 2016 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Kreefgat – A Community In Crisis.
CLIENT: Stellenbosch Transparency.

Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland founded Stellenbosch Transparency, a media activist investigative journalist project. The subject of the project was an informal settlement, Kreefgat. People had been living here for more than 20 years on private land. Towards the end of 2015 the owner of the land applied for a court eviction of the Kreefgat community. The team investigated relevant council meeting minutes and policies and interviewed key community leaders. We also researched the temporary and new developments intended for the relocatees. We analysed the eviction as an outcome of changing political economy of the Winelands. We recorded the market fundamentalist ideology as critical for justifying the eviction.


  • A 1.5 hour video titled “Kreefgat – A Community in Crisis”. See it here.
  • A collation of important documentation uncovered in the research.
BNG housing units for a minority in Kreefgat
PHOTOS: Many homeless households earning less than R3500 aspire to this type of house. Government policy provides for a free house to households earning less than R3500 provided that breadwinners applying for the grant are older than 39.
Kreefgat semi-detached BNG unit, Jamestown Phase 1
Environmental Education Centre
Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership 2016 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Environmental Education Centre.
CLIENT: Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership.

Between 2009 and 2016 Vuya Endaweni community partnership operated near Papegaaiberg Stellenbosch. Paul Hendler served as Vuya Endaweni chair, treasurer (administration and bookkeeping functions) and secretary. The Papegaaiberg symbolises inclusive development and preservation of the biosphere. Through community consultation Vuya Endaweni initiated four projects. Vuya Endaweni conceived these as entrepreneurial partnerships between the suburbanites and disadvantaged communities. Members of the latter were able to work and have equity (and share risk) in these projects. One of these was the Environmental Education Centre (EEC). Here volunteers gave lessons to 30 young people from Enkanini informal settlement. These lessons focused on the biosphere and ecological systems that sustain life. Vuya Endaweni used donor funds to buy the property for the EEC. Other donors gave a wendy house, water tank, sports equipment and furniture. Stellenbosch United Presbyterian Church volunteers taught courses in art and the environment. By 2016 Leanne Seeliger form Vuya Endaweni finalised a curriculum. She developed a programme that included four teachers from Kayamandi High School. Vuya Endaweni also provided for the children at the start of the lessons. Donor funding to Vuya Endaweni ended in 2016. Vuya Endaweni is negotiating to transfer the EEC to Stellenbosch University.


  • Wendy house structure for the Environmental Education Centre.
  • Fireproofed and painted.
  • Internal furniture.
  • External water tank.
  • Sports equipment.

PHOTO BELOW: We taught youth about sustaining the environment. This took place in an underdeveloped shantytown. Environmental education is part of the developmental solution.
Environmental Education Centre Enkanini

Informal – A Story of Street Trade
Stellenbosch Transparency 2014 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Informal – A Story of Street Trade.
CLIENT: Stellenbosch Transparency.

Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland founded Stellenbosch Transparency, a media activist investigative journalist project. In 2013 Stellenbosch Municipality evicted informal traders from their trading spot of 20 years. They suffered significant financial losses and personal hardship. Paul Hendler and Mike Hyland investigated how elites and the municipality acted in concert. Paul Hendler facilitated access to the municipality, police and other role players. Mike Hyland produced and edited a one hour video. The project analysed national business legislation and the bottlenecks for small business development.


Siyavuya Creche
Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership 2014 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Siyavuya Creche.
CLIENT: Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership.

Between 2009 and 2016 Vuya Endaweni community partnership operated near Papegaaiberg Stellenbosch. Paul Hendler served as Vuya Endaweni chair, treasurer (administration and bookkeeping functions) and secretary. The Papegaaiberg symbolises inclusive development and preservation of the biosphere. Through community consultation Vuya Endaweni initiated four projects. Vuya Endaweni conceived these as entrepreneurial partnerships between the suburbanites and disadvantaged communities. Members of the latter were able to work and have equity (and share risk) in these projects. One of these was the Siyavuya Crèche. The crèche commenced in 2009 in response to an expressed community need. The Kingdom of God Church located it on their property in Enkanini informal settlement. Volunteers constructed a retaining wall. A local company donated infill sand. Prochorus organisation donated two wendy houses to shelter the children. About 30 to 40 children from Enkanini attended. Vuya Endaweni volunteers provided oversight and monitoring of the four teachers employed as partners. In 2014 Vuya Endaweni secured Early Childhood Development Grants for the crèche . In mid-2014 Vuya Endaweni handed the crèche over to the teachers who have continued to run it.


  • Infrastructure and superstructure (buildings).
  • A functioning institutional structure.
  • Employment for four people.

PHOTO: Employment creation remains critical in environmental projects. Here unemployed Kayamandi residents protest for employment on an infrastructure upgrading project.

The Second Hand Shop
Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership 2013 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: The Second Hand Shop.
CLIENT: Vuya Endaweni Community Conservation Partnership.

Between 2009 and 2016 Vuya Endaweni community partnership operated near Papegaaiberg Stellenbosch. Paul Hendler served as Vuya Endaweni chair, treasurer (administration and bookkeeping functions) and secretary. The Papegaaiberg symbolises inclusive development and preservation of the biosphere. Through community consultation Vuya Endaweni initiated four projects. Vuya Endaweni conceived these as entrepreneurial partnerships between the suburbanites and disadvantaged communities. Members of the latter were able to work and have equity (and share risk) in these projects. One of these was a second hand clothing shop (located in the Kayamandi Tourism Corridor). Suburbanites donated second hand clothing to form the stock of the shop. Volunteers provided training and oversight for the entrepreneurial partners from Kayamandi. The latter ran the shop and earned an income from it. There were poor trading conditions inside the Tourism Corridor. Thus the shop often traded on the pavement outside where the passing trade was denser. Due to continuing poor trading conditions the business ceased at the end of 2013.


  • Trading Stock (second-hand)
  • Stock-taking system
  • Accounting and book keeping
  • Mentoring and oversight of entrepreneurial partner.
Indicators Project
Cities Support Programme, National Treasury 2012 – 2014 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Indicators Project.
CLIENT: Cities Support Programme, National Treasury.

The Cities Support Programme (CSP) promotes well governed, productive, inclusive and sustainable cities. CSP aims to speed up spatial transformation through public investment in urban environments.

The INSITE team implemented the Built Environment (BE) work stream of the CSP. The team developed performance indicators for well-governed, inclusive, productive and sustainable cities. The team first researched and then wrote a Guide for performance management. Thereafter the team interacted with officials from all eight metropolitan municipalities.

They developed a consensus around a basic set of quantified and calibrated performance indicators. The new Integrated Cities Development Grant (ICDG) would assess cities’ performance against these indicators. The project process required facilitation of interaction.


  • “Guideline for Framing Built Environment Performance Indicators for Metropolitan Municipalities”
  • “Matrix of Indicators for Each of Eight Metropolitan Municipalities”
  • “The Indicators Project – Closure Report”
  • “Historical Overview of Evolution of Built Environment Indicators”.

PHOTO: Downtown Fordsburg (Johannesburg) is a South African example of integrated commercial and residential space.

Fordsburg, Johannesburg innercity
DOCUMENT COVER: A set of generic indicators to measure the performance of the metropolitan municipalities towards achieving spatially restructured and well governed cities.
Guideline for Framing Built Environment Performance Indicators f

TABLES: A matrix on which to record proposed built environment transformation indicators for a metropolitan municipality




Business Process Review of the Building and Tenant Management Functions (Social Housing)
Africon (for Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) through the Gauteng Technical Resource Group (TRG) programme) 2007 – 2008 Facilitation of Processes
PROJECT TITLE: Business Process Review of the Building and Tenant Management Functions (Social Housing).
CLIENT: Africon (for Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) through the Gauteng Technical Resource Group (TRG) programme).

JOSHCO required a Business Process Review (BPR) of their building and tenant management functions. Insite was subcontracted through the TRG led by African (now Aurecon). The process involved extensive consultation with executives and personnel of JOSHCO, about the various business cycles and tasks and this was mapped in iterations with actions tabulated. Three cycles were identified and reviewed: Maintaining the Assets, Managing the Tenants and Tenanting the Assets. The final business cycle functions were converted into training material and staff were trained through several workshops.


  • Business cycles process charts.
  • Procedural Manuals.
  • Standard documentation.
  • Training manuals.
  • Completed (interactive) training workshops with staff.

PROCESS DIAGRAMS: We used business process mapping tools to define efficient social housing functions.